Friday, August 5, 2011

The eagle and the fish equal quite a bit of excitement...

Last evening it was too hot to stay home so I grabbed Hunter along with the fishing pole and went up to the lake.

Hunter decided that for most of the evening he wanted to sit in the car on his phone but he did make an appearance at one point.. but not the vital point when I could have actually used his help, of course.

I sat there for a good hour with my line in the water and had no bites whatsoever. I had the camera and was taking some random photos.


That was a fish jumping wayyyyyy over there and no where near my line by the way...


Hunter making a short appearance on the dock.
 Shortly after Hunter departed to go back to the vehicle to sit and talk on his phone some more I noticed an Eagle across the lake....
 He was there for quite some time and then decided to move locations....
 Up to this tree where he then sat for quite a while. I kept my camera on him constantly because if he was going to swoop down the lake to get a fish I wanted the shot....

We sat like this for the longest time with him in the tree and suddenly out of the corner of my eye I noticed my fishing line being tugged with a bite AND at the same time the Eagle decided to change his location once again... I wanted the photos of the Eagle more than the fish at that point so I ignored my fishing line and continued to snap the photos as he flew... (This is where I could have used Hunter's help but he was still in the car on the phone).

 He never did swoop the lake for fish but just flew down and landed in a tree. I'm sorry it's so far away... I was on full zoom but hopefully you all can see him enough... it was beautiful... After he was way down on the other side of the lake I put the camera down and reeled in the fish that had been so kind to wait on my line until I was done taking the pictures....

 I then proceeded to sit there with new bait in the water without another bite again for about 30 minutes and then went home. I just found it really funny that both the Eagle & the fish happened at the exact same time and the rest of the time, although it was peaceful, it was a bit boring because I wasn't getting any bites on my line... at least the lake was cooler than sitting inside my house.

Here's some repeats of the above shots that I tried to crop a bit closer if that helps anyone to see better:

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